

Student of the Month /February/

Congratulations to our students who received Student of the Month and Most Enthusiastic Learner awards for the month of November. Well done! 锘匡豢锘

Posted on 07 03 2019 Read more

Raffles Workshop at ASU

Raffles鈥檚 workshops are designed to make people think. Our recent workshop at the 黑料网, introduced level 9 to 12 students to the exciting world of graphic design and the new media. Design lecturer, Buggy, showcased new m...

Posted on 06 03 2019 Read more

School 60 Performance 2019

More than 70 students from ASU鈥檚 sister school, public school 60, performed for elementary and secondary students on February 28 as part of an annual program that coincides with ASU鈥檚 International Day and is normally held around the time of Tsaga...

Posted on 01 03 2019 Read more

Art Show

On February 13, 2019, students who took Art II and AP Art held an art show where they showcased the artworks they made over the course. Meanwhile, the National Art Honor Society drew portraits and sold sandwiches during the event as a way to fundr...

Posted on 26 02 2019 Read more

Grade Eight Debate

Eighth grade students are hard at work during their in-class debate. 锘匡豢

Posted on 22 02 2019 Read more

Well done! Keep up the great work, Seniors!

小邪泄薪 斜邪泄薪邪 褍褍? 袟褍褉谐邪邪写邪泄 斜邪谐 屑邪邪薪褜 斜褉邪泄谢 写褝褝褉 褏褝胁谢爷爷谢褋褝薪 26 褕懈褉褏褝谐 爷谢谐褝褉懈泄薪 薪芯屑芯芯 116褉 褋褍褉谐褍褍谢褜写 褏爷褉谐褝卸 萤谐谢萤萤. 协褏薪懈泄 褌萤褋谢懈泄谐 屑邪邪薪褜 写褝屑卸褋褝薪 褌邪 斜爷谐写褝写 斜邪褟褉谢邪谢邪邪. 袛邪褉邪邪谐懈泄薪 褌萤褋谢萤萤 斜懈写 褍写邪褏谐爷泄 褌邪薪懈谢褑褍褍谢邪褏 斜芯谢薪芯 芯芯 .  Hello everyone! Our Zurgaadai...

Posted on 19 02 2019 Read more

Children of the Sun

We would like to announce that we have successfully ended our event by meeting all our goals. Not only did we exceed our goal of 500,000 tugriks and donate over 900,000 tugriks to the Veloo Foundation, we were able to engage the community with art...

Posted on 19 02 2019 Read more

Grade 8 Medieval Feast Project

The Grade 8 History class put together a Medieval Feast for the Secondary School support staff as part of the History class semester 1 final project. This was also to show appreciation for the support staff's hard work in making sure that we have ...

Posted on 14 02 2019 Read more

Children of the Sun art show hosted by the National Art Honor Society

Children of the Sun art show hosted by the National Art Honor Society at the 黑料网, the "Children of the Sun" is a Charity Art show dedicated to raising donations for the Veloo Foundation, and promoting arts of the youth. ...

Posted on 12 02 2019 Read more